
Showing posts from 2013

Sounds like a journal entry

I found this draft today.  Not sure when I originally wrote it, but thought it was worth posting as proof that some days are just normal mommy days.  :) I don't really know if I have much to say, but I haven't blogged in a very long here goes nothing much. It is beautiful and sunny outside.  My house is a mess with, probably, 12 socks down the hall from Miss Maggie, who loves to carry them from the laundry room hamper.  If she can't find one in the laundry room, she will go into the boys rooms and pull them out of their drawers or sock basket.  She loves my red fuzzy socks and will go out of her way to dig them out of my laundry basket if she can remove the lid. I need to vacuum.  I have enough pet hair on the floor to make a small creepy looking cat, if I wanted to, which I don't.  There are dishes in the sink, dirty laundry filling every hamper and every plant outside needs watering.  So I'm avoiding doing all my chores and have ch...