Loving the rain
I'm opening this blog post having absolutely no idea what I'm going to blog about. It's a rainy afternoon that is so nice and desperately needed of rain. About the only thing I need to leave the house for today is fancy flavored coffee for the machine. I never thought I would like coffee, but it turns out, anything tastes good if you add enough chocolate. Yum.... Our house is so quiet. You can hear the rain on the tin roof and I have all the lamps on so it looks like a nice cozy day. I have my little desk in one corner of the living room and my husband has his little desk about 20 feet away in the office. We are both doing our daily computer catch up. My desk is one that was in my room when I was a child. I remember at one point my mom had a pink layered ruffle around the desk that went all the way to the floor. I loved that. Kinda wish I still had it that way. After that, my mom used it as a sewing table and then I used it as a sewing table....