
Showing posts from December, 2016

Merry Christmas!!!!!

It is a Beautiful day!  The temperature outside is not cold at the moment and the sun is shining. I haven't written a blog post in a really long time.  Things have been busy and when things get busy, I get too tired to do the things I really enjoy. Today is Wednesday December 21.  We have a few days til all the Christmas festivities. I love Christmas.  I love that, just for one month, people all over the world celebrate love, family, friendships, and the beauty of this Gift that is THE most precious Gift of all time.  Those who don't believe in God, get to feel that joy and spark of love that I am blessed to feel every day of my life.  The world seems to grow in Love for one moment a year. I love that we get to give gifts, no matter how outstanding or small, just as God gave His BELOVED Son.  And then that Son gave the ultimate gift.  Some people hate how commercialized Christmas has become, but I don't care.  People will do what ...