
Showing posts from February, 2017

What do I want my life to look like?

It is another absolutely beautiful day outside!!! Although....I tend to think every day is beautiful in it's own way.  But today it really is beautiful in a more popular sense of the word.  :)  Blue skies, sunshine, warm and a soft breeze. I'm in the kitchen.  I was unloading and loading the dishwasher while watching "the Secret" on Netflix.  If you've ever watched's a very different way of looking at things.  I think I agree with much of it.  I know that different attitudes can effect my day.  I know that I used to believe too much in what I was told I should be.  I was supposed to be the perfect wife, who cooked dinner every evening and kept her children in line.  I was supposed to train my husband to be a certain way.  I was raised to wear makeup every day and look nice for my husband, to keep a perfect home.  Children weren't supposed to make messes outside of their room.... etc...... I learned that all those t...

New Years Resolutions

At the moment, I'm sitting at my kitchen table looking out at my garden through two windows.  It's cloudy outside and in the low 70's.  It has the look of a winter day, even though we haven't had much of a winter here in Texas. The garden is a mess of weathered plants and weeds.  There are a few good things growing, like mint and rose bushes.  The bulk of last years produce has frozen off to leave a bunch of dead sticks and lots of potential for the next spring garden.  I'm going to make a lot of changes this year.  I will fill the beds with homemade compost and rotate my planting to see if I can get a better bug free yield. I haven't totaled up the produce from the last year but I'm pretty sure it was double the year before. I think growing a garden is one of the healthiest things I've ever done for my mind.  The hope and excitement you get from a seed that is sprouting and getting to harvest and eat your own food, feels almost like a miracle of n...