Can I pet your sloth? This was said to me by a little boy that visited the farm and thought I had a sloth. He asked me several time even though I told him I didn't have one. So he would say, "or maybe your chihuahua then." 2021 hasn't been easier like we all thought. But I think we've all learned a few things. We've learned that we can stay home with our spouse and children and still manage to keep ourselves from exploding into a thousand pieces from stressing. We've learned we are not as prepared as we thought we were and might need to make a few changes. We've learned to improvise, cook, find other solutions if we run out of TP. I've learned that my faith in God is the most important thing in my life beyond all else. When you miss someone you lost you hope for them, that they are in heaven. It becomes the only thing that matters when they are gone. I understand that life is not short like we always say. Life is long and we are only going t...