Conversations with God
On occasion, it seems God wakes me up in the middle of the night to have a little conversation. Probably because it's the only time of the day that I'm quiet and still enough to listen. Usually it's at about 3 in the morning. Well, it's 3:20 and I'm wide awake. It's funny how things fit together when he's trying to tell me something. I can have an eye opening thought and that is usually followed by several other things I come in contact with to verify it's not just a coincidence. Yesterday I went to get groceries and afterwards I typed out a text to a Friend saying, "I hate getting groceries". As I looked at it I deleted some of it and typed out, "I hate having to bring home and put away groceries by myself". Even that felt kinda odd, but I sent it. About an hour later, as I was waiting in line to pick up Alex from school, I read a chapter in a book I was reading from Joyce Meyer, were she said she had prayed for God to give her...