One of those days

I just don't feel like doing anything today. I got up this morning, got dressed, started some laundry and took Maggie in for her treatment. Now I just can't bring myself to do anything productive for the day. I'm bored and yet, I can't think of anything I want to do.
If you were to tell me I can do ANYTHING I want to do. I would look at you like I have not a brain cell left in my head.
I have dishes to wash, floors to clean, and bills to pay.
All I can think of is, "yeah yeah...whatever". BLAH!!!!!!!
I'm not hungry, I'm not thirsty, If you offered me chocolate, it wouldn't excite me. Now that's bad!!!! :)
I'm not depressed, I'm not NOT depressed. I'm not bad, I'm not good.
Maybe I should just go back to bed, take a nap, and start over in an hour or so.


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