I'm Grumpy!!!

I'm not in a good mood today.  I had a bad day yesterday and ended up getting groceries, just to get out of the house.  I woke up in a good mood yesterday, but the day went down hill.  This morning I woke up in an ok mood, I guess, but I was bombarded by every needy animal I own.  I took my oatmeal and my bible out on the back porch for some peace, only to have Lilly come talk to me, non stop.  Lilly is our tortoise shell outdoor cat.  She has a tendency to talk from when she realizes your outside, while she's walking over to you, and the entire time she's walking on your bible and trying to headbutt your face to get kitty boogers and drool on you.  I had to take her from the table three times and put her on the ground.

I really need to stop looking at the world as it is.  It feels like all I see is greed and selfishness.  I'm tired of seeing people who aren't responsible for their own actions and think they have the right to take advantage of others.  I remember one day, when I was standing in line at the grocery store and there was a family in front of me, who purchased a bunch of food with food stamps and after that transaction was done, they proceeded to purchase a large package of T-bone, a case of beer, and a carton of cigarettes.  As I watched the purchase go through, I thought about how nice it would be if I was able to buy a large package of T-bone, but I couldn't afford it.  It made me mad.
I was watching something on tv about a guy who bought an enormous boat that was the size of two football fields and had a snow room for after you got out of the sauna.  When they asked why he bought it, he said he bought it because he can.  The price of the boat was nauseating.  All I could think about was how many people in the world can't afford food for their families or can't afford to pay off doctor bills, or are losing their home, and here is this immature boy of a man buying something to show others he's got the biggest ...........
The money spent on that one ridiculous object could save the lives of so many.
I'm starting to think that's what it's all about.  Immaturity....
I'm the type of person who doesn't like to accept help...to a fault.  If I need something desperately, I will have to figure out how to do it myself.  If I say I will do something.....I do it.  If I say I'm gonna be there.....I will be there. (unless I get very sick like this last sunday)  I don't make plans lightly.  I don't take on responsibilities lightly.  I am dependable.  Although, because of that, I might say no right from the start.
I can't stand that so many people don't live their lives with a sense of honor.  I don't like when someone takes advantage of someone else. 

I've seen people use up their friends for what they need them for, and cast them aside when they are no longer in need of them.  That isn't a friend.  A true friend is someone who doesn't let go.
You've found someone who is good with kids.  So your their friend and you get them to babysit often.  Once your kids are grown and you don't need anyone to baby sit,  you don't need that friend anymore. 
You've found a friend who has a house in New Mexico that you can stay at when you want to go on vacation.  After a few years, your family is tired of going to New Mexico and want to start going to Colorado.  See ya later friend.  Oh and by the way, do you know anyone in Colorado? 
That's how the world works.  You scratch my back and I'll scratch yours...only I don't really have time to scratch yours, but maybe one day I'll get to it.
It's the way our Government works.  It's the way our countries work with other countries.  You can be my friend, as long as you do what I say.
It's the reason so many marriages end in divorce.  "I used to love you, but your not what I need anymore".

It's the reason so many children end up in trouble.  "You were so much fun when you were a baby, but now it's my turn to live my life.  I gave you everything I had an now it's my turn.  I sacrificed my life for you, but now it's my turn." 
I'm sorry, but if your gonna have kids, then you are FOREVER a parent.  You CHOSE to have that child.  Stop telling them how much you sacrificed your life to raise them.  They didn't ask to be born.  Every child should be considered a blessing, NOT a burden.  My children owe me NOTHING.  I had them because I wanted them.  I had them because I wanted to see them grow and become the amazing person that God created them to be.  I will not act like I sacrificed my life for them and therefore they owe me, or "now it's my turn to live".  You want your kids to be happy and healthy.....make sure they know they are cherished, loved, wanted, and you feel they are a gift from God.  Light up when you see them.
They are NOT there to take care of you when you get old.  But maybe if your a decent parent, they will WANT to take care of you.
What a mess the world is.
I hope each day to keep my heart focused on what is good.  I know I can do better.  Each of these things I type up for my own mindset also.  I need to try to focus less on myself. 
I think God had the right idea when he said "love your neighbor as yourself".  If the world actually followed that, we wouldn't not be in this situation.


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