Regrowing Vegetables
So far my experiment at regrowing veggies has been a success.
The green onions are doing great as you can see and because they are in the kitchen
instead of in the garden, I seem to remember to use them.
The avocado pits are doing well, They rooted much faster when I put them in a dark
cabinet than when I had them out in the open.
The plants in the white bowls from left to right are romaine lettuce, leaf lettuce, and
celery. It was so easy getting them started and they are doing great. Now I need
to get them outside into pots. The leaf lettuce has only been sitting in the water for
a day or so, that's why you can't see much going on in the picture, but it already has
little sprouts growing. I didn't know if leaf lettuce would work since it was not on the
list of plants you can regrow online, but I thought it was worth a try.
The tomato plant is from a friend. I'm waiting for it to get large enough to plant outside.
This is my third rose of the season. Already the plants look like they
aren't going to do as well as I would like. I think we have too many bugs
and deer. I've had to chase deer from the garden several times already.
They've topped the bell pepper plants to the point that they're only 4 inches tall.
Can you see him? He was trying to hide from me.
This little guy got stuck in our metal trashcan. I kept hearing him all morning and forgot to go and check. Some time around mid day he was finally able to get out and I ran outside to take a picture. Such a cutie. Now if he would stop dumping over the plastic trash cans, and spreading trash all over the place, I'd like him even more.
This years batch of barn swallows. They are SO CUTE!!!
We lost one to a game of "roll over" like the song.
The poor thing was pushed out of the nest.
Their eyes are open now....along with their mouths.
They make a bit of a mess, and the parent birds dive bomb you when you go outside,
but it's very cool to watch new fuzzy headed babies emerge each year.
Gretta and Maggie sitting in their window watching the garden grow.
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