Reading "the time keeper"

I was blessed with some sort of virus for the weekend that kept me in bed for a couple of days.  I feel much better now.  It's funny how a virus that keeps you in bed when you are a mother and housekeeper, feels a little like a vacation, as long as you don't feel like throwing up.
I was blessed with the fact that our TV plan gave us free premium channels for the weekend, making it much nicer to be stuck in my room. :)  I was blessed with the fact that it was raining all day on Sunday, making it nice to chill out in bed and listen to the rain.  I love the rain.  I can just hear the trees celebrating.
I watched a few movies that based their theme on enjoying life and not spending your life working so hard for material things.  Spending so many hours a week for a home that you have very little time to enjoy because your working so hard.  Money is like fire.  It can warm you and can destroy you.  I'm reading a book called, "the time keeper" by Mitch Albom.  Justin's girlfriend loaned it to me to read and I just started it last night.  It is a story about a mans invention of keeping time.  How wonderful it would be never to think of time.  Its funny how we spend so much time chasing the dream.  I actually felt guilty for being in bed sick.  If there were an app for my entire life that calculated how much time I've spent doing things that matter and doing things that didn't, and all the things in between....I wonder what it would look like.  I wonder what the categories would be.
We think a lot about time and how we wish we had more of it.  We feel bad when we waist it.  If we watch a movie that isn't any good we say we waisted three hours that we can't get back.
I wonder if time really matters all that much.  If we spent every waking moment doing exactly what we want to do as if every second was precious, we would be stumped within an hour wondering what to do next.  We love to be entertained.  The world is all about entertainment.  Everything we do and have is to entertain us.  We chase it until we are older and then we crave quiet.  I love hearing an old person say, "these young people are always in such a hurry".  All the young people are thinking they have to hurry and experience everything because they might miss out.  New parents want time to slow down so the baby doesn't grow so fast.  Parents of teens want time to speed up so the kids will move out.
My husband just burned the palm of his hand on the muffler of a pressure washer.  I bet he wishes he could rewind time and not make that mistake again.  Poor guy.  If I could rewind time and change anything...........  They would all involve any situation where someone was hurt by something I said or did.  Other than that, I would keep the things that hurt me personally because I think many of those things were part of Gods plan to make me who I am.  I wouldn't want to learn those lessons again through some other painful experience.
If I had endless time, I wonder how different I would live and think.  I wonder how differently the world would think.  Would it be better or worse?


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