Several years ago I read something that really made sense to me.
I can't remember where I read it or what exactly it said but it talked about how saying the words "I am ......." before some value that you wish you had.  It was explained that, in doing so, it could change your subconscious thinking.  
We all have so many thoughts running through our heads at any given moment and I would guess that not all those thoughts are positive.  If you are a woman, then you probably have many more thoughts running at one time than any man would.  Most of us have high expectations for ourselves, so every imaginable self criticism comes to mind and runs on a continuous loop in our heads.
When we read the bible it has so many areas that talk about taking captive your thoughts, thinking of only good things, speaking words that only lift us up, and BELIEVING what you pray for, so it will be done.  So the trick for most of us is to shut down those negative subconscious thoughts that tell us we aren't good enough or the thoughts that run all the worlds scary issues over and over in our minds.

I used to write a list of "I am's" on my kids mirror in their bathroom.  I can't remember what exactly I wrote, but it was something like, "I am good, I am kind, I am loved, ......."  It seemed to work well.

Last Sunday Bruce and I ran across a pbs show with Dr Wayne Dyer, one of my favorite self help authors, who talked about saying "I am" before something you wish for in your life as if it already exists and believing it.  Things like, "I am happy, I am confident, I am fearless, I am successful".
It reminded me of what I used to do with the boys on the mirror.  

He talked about having a mental image of what you wish your life looked like in great detail and meditating on that image.  Everything from your personality, your body image, your home, your job, etc.
Imagine being able to IMAGINE your way to being healthy and happy.  

The world has changed so much since when I was young.  Tv used to have more fun stuff and less drama.  News didn't seem as depressing.  Friendships were stronger and lasted longer.  People were more polite and everything had more quality.  Now we are bombarded with information minute by minute and it is mostly negative.  Almost everyone I know above the age of 40 has some kind of medical issue related to stress and trying to keep your kids from hearing abusive language and violence is impossible.  But unplugging from tv or the Internet feels like chopping off our arm.
So we all continue to drag our sorry, badly beaten bodies through the mess, read everything we can find that talks about finding joy, go on an antidepressant, or just drink more wine. 
I don't ever remember people being so miserable.
And so, we should start thinking about what we can change for ourselves and our kids.
That's why I thought the "I am" thing was such a good idea.

By saying "I am" before my hopes for myself or my family, it feels like prayer. 

It is as if I am thanking God in advance for what, I have faith, he will help me to accomplish.

So my challenge for myself is 
to change the mental dialogue to "I am strong, I am healthy, I am happy, I am confident, I am loved, I am successful", 
to change what I hear and see to things that are more uplifting, 
to spend more time enjoying kind people and 
to REALLY focus on healing and improving each day.  
(I could go on and on, but I will start with that). ;)

I always want to create a wall with all those sayings that you wish you could remind yourself of each day, things that talk about not letting the opinions of others define you, and all those great quotes that we post on facebook or Pinterest and we say, "oooh that's a good one".  But every time I think to do it, I obsess over how I want to print them out on fancy paper with a pretty font.  :/
One day maybe.  


  1. As someone who has know you for many years and loves you without condition key me be the first to say....
    You are strong
    You are gracious
    You are beautiful
    You are precious
    You are sweet
    You are kind
    You are fierce
    You are a warrior
    You are VICTORIOUS!

    And --- So Am I!!
    I love you!!


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