What will this year bring?
It is the start of a new year...... And... it has been a challenge so far. It always seems so hopeful when a new year starts. It feels like you have the opportunity to start over and do it all right. The actual fact of the matter is that very little is up to us. We can do our best but life has it's moments that go far beyond our control. It is such a wonderful thought to have a spirit of peace and go with the flow. To spend each and every day looking at the beauty and blessings of life and ignore all the bad. The reality is, that the bad comes, and you can't stop it. You go through it for a time and then you pull your bootstraps up and go on with trying your best to do your best and think of the beauty and blessings of life again. This year we will lose our insurance, we have had to use all our savings for medical bills, owe way to much property tax at the end of the month, we lost our sweet tiny cat Maggie, and we feel overwhelmed and down in the d...