Just Breathe

I was lying in bed thinking.
I've been sick for, well, today will be my third day.  I feel so much better today but I have little to no energy.  I should probably be napping because it's what my body needs at the moment.
I was thinking about how fast this year flew by.  I have my vision board in front of me and it was put together a year ago.  So many of the things written on it have come to fruition or close to it.
We lost people these last few years and they made changes to our thinking.  It is amazing what power some people have within their life.  There are people who I didn't know well, that effected me with how beautifully they lived their last days.  There are people who left us quickly in hard ways.
There is such power in the lives of some people.

I notice that turning on the news has such power over our lives.  feeling the pain that others go through, or the fear the news puts into you, makes your heart race and pulls you down.
I have only watched movies and slept for the last few days.  Peaceful, oblivious, lighthearted, non-information.
My house is a mess, my plants all need watering, my floor is gross......etc.
I know nothing of the current news of the world.
I put my health before everything and asked my husband to do the basics enough for everyone to stay alive and I rested.  I'm not sure many of us do that.

We have a new puppy.  She is a sweetie.  She will make more work for us during the holidays.
But all good things take time and patience.
We are like a farm now.  With our garden, pond, chickens, ducks, rabbits, cats, dogs, kids, house, etc... What a joy if you just rest in it and are thankful.  A year ago I said I wanted to stop complaining.  I've done well with that.  Not perfect by any means.
It seems like the choice of feeling blessed instead of complaining changes everything about life.
Being thankful for the most basic of things seems silly, but we are truly so fortunate for so many things that other parts of the world don't have.  Clean air, Clean water, warmth or cool AC.
None of us have anything to truly complain about.
Even some disease can be prevented with good eating and organic food.  We just have to choose to make that effort.
I have been on a journey to learn how to live a beautiful life for so many years.
I think I am just now starting to truly get it.  It's all in our heads.
That is the challenge.  It's not a switch you can flip like so many think.
You can have everything or nothing.  It's all about how you see yourself and your life.
It's all about expectation.  Stop expecting anything and everything.
That ends up being the path to peace.
Our world has learned to live without kindness, courtesy, manors, gentleness, love, compassion, morals.......  But I'm not part of this world, as it says in the bible.
Think about the things that take away your joy.  How important are they?
Think about the things you say to other that takes away their joy.  Are they necessary to say?
Sometimes the answer is yes.
We are entering the holidays.  This is my most favorite time of year.
It's the one time of the year where everyone in the world feels the love of God.
That's why it's so appealing.
I challenge everyone to slow way down and be present.  Don't miss the beautiful sunsets.  Don't rush through the hug of a loved one.  Don't focus on getting it on camera so much that you miss seeing the real thing.  Do the traditions.  Go out for a dairy queen ice cream cone and look at lights.  Watch, see, listen, put the phone down.  Laugh.  If something breaks, breaks down, gets messed up..... fuss for only a moment and then move on.  Don't pick apart what you said or heard or saw.  Let it go...let it go.....  Did you sing that?
The world is getting way too stressed out.  We need to slow way down and stop getting all the newest opinions on the internet.  Breathe in.... Breathe out.... Now thank God that you were able to do that.


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