Just a quick note and a happy Easter blessing.

It feels like it's been forever since I've blogged or even spent more than a few minutes on this computer.
My mind is always thinking.  I need to slow down enough to spend time journaling or blogging.
I used to journal every day but I just don't have all the issues I used to journal about.  That is a
really good thing.  I can talk about things without getting unhappy.  I have no expectations, so
every day is good and a blessing.  Especially if you look for the blessings.

Today I've been cleaning, organizing and laughing at chickens.
I'm working on a sifting tote for my meal worm farm.  I've got lots of beetles.
They sound so gross crawling around in that tote.  So awesome!!!!
My garden is planted and yet both of my strawberries were eaten by the neighbor chickens.
It's going to look so pretty when everything is growing.
I can truly say I am the most peaceful I have been in years.
God is good!
Easter is Sunday.  I have no plans set.  I need to have food for the family and some candy.
It would be nice to do something really simple.  All the boys are older and have their own life.
It may just be Bruce and I enjoying the day.  Every day is Easter Sunday to me, so that's ok.
Praying for blessing to come your way.
Have a wonderful Easter weekend.


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