Alex's story

Tuesday May 25th 2010

Going through Alex's school papers this morning I found a story he wrote that was just too funny not to share.
I'm going to add his spelling errors just for fun. Alex is 11.

Fortion cookies

On the way home from school. I passed an old woman selling something. I looked up on a sign that said, "fortion cookies 25 cents." I had chage from lunch money so why not. I bought the cookie ate it, the fortion said, "shape-shift."
Once I got to my bathroom, I found a green area on my back, but it was only guacamole, so I went to my dog Brinkley to lick it off. Once he was finished I said, "good boy Brink..." Then absolute siolence filled the room. My brother Taylor walked passed us and said, "Hi Brinks." My brother wasn't smart, so he mostly told me I turned into a dog.
For one thing I could have turned into something like a bald eagle, a fishman, big foot, or a frog. After that, I had to get used to fur, fleas, and extream flexebility.
I went outside, went through the gate, and ran to the old lady stand. The old lady said,"another shape-shifter, your the twenty-fifth one this week and it's only monday, "I growled then she continued, "the last one was a frog, but it was taken by a science teacher, and by the way don't they disect frogs." I just remembered that so I suddered for the poor frog. Then I continued to growl.
Then she said, "to get to normal tap your shoes and say, there's no place like, OW!" I bit her hand. Then a bundle of light came around me. Then "ping!" I became a human.
Then I got home, "where have you been you should have been here earlier, and Brinkley ran away!" My mom yelled. I said "are you sure about that mom, Brink!" Brinkley came. "hmm... I must have just saw things, " mom said.
School came the next day "Today we are disecting a frog even though one student is absent, "my schience teacher said. I then ran out the door panicing. After that day I found out being an animal with no experience is hard. Also not to buy anything from an old lady with bitemarks.


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