
Showing posts from October, 2010

Raising Kids

I never knew raising kids would be so hard. I didn't know that as soon as you have a child, you worry. You worry about everything. As they go through school you want them to make good grades, get along with other children and their teachers. When they start to date, you have all these questions about who they are dating, how that person was raised, what their family is like. You wonder if they will end up married to that person. When they get a job you worry about whether they can do the job well, what they will end up doing for a living, will they be able to support a family. When they start to drive.....OH MY....don't even get me started. You worry them through college, relationships, finances, health. Are they depressed, do they have anger management issues, are they healthy, are they happy, do they really believe in God or are they just trying to shut me up? Placing a child in God's hands and leaving the worry behind is hard to do. Sometimes you can do it for a moment, ...

Crafts from the past

I was going through some photos today and came across some pictures from a craft show I had, at the house in town, several years ago. I try to take pictures of everything I make. It makes it easier to part with each thing. I keep wanting to do something fun with the things I make, and use, to decorate my own home. I've been brain storming. :) Last night I was up till after 3am, in the morning, thinking of all kinds of things I want to do. I came up with an idea page with doodles of crafts and ideas. I have a passion for making things, which is good, but I don't have the storage space to keep everything I make, or the ability to use everything. So Bruce and I are thinking of trying to get into Gruene Market days, or something like it. That way I can keep making things and maybe they will eventually bless someone else...or at least that's the idea. Anyway....I thought it would be fun to post some of the pictures of the crafts I made back in 2003. It has been years since...

Is it really tuesday?

I keep thinking today is Monday. My weeks are flying by and these allergies are crazy. I was so hopeful I would have energy today. I have so much to do. So I got up this morning, took a shower, did the dishes, watched "The View", ate my breakfast, took all my medications and vitamins, Made the bed, put a load in the wash, folded a load from the dryer........etc.....etc..... I can't imagine having a full time job, running a house, managing kids, and taking care of anything else you might have to do. It takes me every bit of my time to manage home, kids, animals, and church stuff...and I don't even do that great of a job at any of those things. I have lots of tricks to make it look like I'm doing a good job. :) I have three of my four cats indoors at the moment. I tell ya, it's a trip. Maggie likes to distress all my furniture. I should rent her out. Mr Gretta likes to crawl up on things he shouldn't crawl up on. (no wonder he broke his leg this last year), ...

Emergency Decorating

I was watching "The Nate show" on tv this morning and it got me thinking about how much fun it is to do an emergency decorating day with a friend who has some big thing coming up. One of my most favorite decorating days was when my cousin Kim called me one morning in a panic because her house was schedule to show to a potential buyer. I threw three kids in a car with two walkers and headed over. The twins were very small, so we put them in the walkers in the dining area and proceeded to go through each room making the most of what was available. Every once in a while we had to run into the dining room and take a collection of artificial flowers from one of the twins because he had pulled them from some arrangement we had displayed perfectly within his reach. It was a fun day. I rememeber a wall she had that they were in the process of removing mirrored tiles and it wasn't replastered yet. We went into a closet and found some long curtains in a burgundy color and ta...