Raising Kids

I never knew raising kids would be so hard. I didn't know that as soon as you have a child, you worry. You worry about everything. As they go through school you want them to make good grades, get along with other children and their teachers. When they start to date, you have all these questions about who they are dating, how that person was raised, what their family is like. You wonder if they will end up married to that person. When they get a job you worry about whether they can do the job well, what they will end up doing for a living, will they be able to support a family. When they start to drive.....OH MY....don't even get me started. You worry them through college, relationships, finances, health. Are they depressed, do they have anger management issues, are they healthy, are they happy, do they really believe in God or are they just trying to shut me up?
Placing a child in God's hands and leaving the worry behind is hard to do. Sometimes you can do it for a moment, but then you pick it right back up again because your the Mom or Dad and you think you know what needs to be done.
You hand them books and ask them to read them cause it will help with this or that. You give them advice, thinking they will actually listen.
You talk til your blue in the face because you don't know what else to do.
I don't think I worry a lot about how much money my kids will make when they are on their own. I don't really worry about how fancy their job, or home, or vehicle will be. I worry about how happy they'll be. Will they lead a life that is honorable? Will they have to deal with divorce or be fortunate to marry someone that is their perfect other half? Will they be healthy and live a long life? Will they have a strong faith in God?
I know they must endure difficult things. I look back at my own life and see how much I learned and changed from things that were sometimes devastating.
I wish I were better about praying for my children.
At church today Pastor Phil had a video with a dog who was saying grace with his master. Or rather, the master was saying grace and the dog was in a position of prayer. He said he felt like he wasn't a good pet owner after watching that. It made me feel like a bad parent.
It made me think of how little I pray with my children and how much more I should pray for them. I think I'm pretty good about letting my kids go through what they need to go through and trying to use everything as a lesson in life. I'm pretty good, at times, about realizing, when I worry, that I need to just pray about it and leave it in God's hands. But I can honestly say that I don't pray enough with my children or enough for them. It's kinda a hit and miss thing. In this lovely world we live in, I think I need to do better.
As I watched my oldest and one of the twins arguing over lunch, I was trying to think of what I could say or do to make them get along with each other. I've always craved a family that was close. I couldn't think of anything. Then you go into the "what did I do wrong, where did I fail" mentality.
I'm good with journals. I think I might start a prayer journal that is totally devoted to prayer for my boys. Cause that and duct tape are the only things I can think of that will help.


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