Is it really tuesday?

I keep thinking today is Monday. My weeks are flying by and these allergies are crazy. I was so hopeful I would have energy today. I have so much to do.
So I got up this morning, took a shower, did the dishes, watched "The View", ate my breakfast, took all my medications and vitamins, Made the bed, put a load in the wash, folded a load from the dryer........etc.....etc.....
I can't imagine having a full time job, running a house, managing kids, and taking care of anything else you might have to do. It takes me every bit of my time to manage home, kids, animals, and church stuff...and I don't even do that great of a job at any of those things. I have lots of tricks to make it look like I'm doing a good job. :)

I have three of my four cats indoors at the moment. I tell ya, it's a trip. Maggie likes to distress all my furniture. I should rent her out. Mr Gretta likes to crawl up on things he shouldn't crawl up on. (no wonder he broke his leg this last year), and Lilly likes to complain about everything. I figured out, a while back ago, they don't like to scratch on a couch that has a couch cover on it. That has saved me a huge problem. I have a great couch that I purchased back when our home flooded. It's getting a bit worn out from having 4 boys bouncing around on it for 12 years. I have a couch cover that I've been using for a while, and I randomly make different pillow covers based on my mood and what I have on hand. My couch cover needs to be replaced soon. It's seen better days. It's faded to a very pale pattern compared to when it was new, but then my entire house has a bit of a worn out look, so I'm not in a hurry to trade it out until I find something I really like.

Kitty Boxing!!!

Well, I have just a few minutes before I have to pick up Alex. Should I put on makeup or scare the lovely children? I guess I'll put on makeup.
Have a great day everyone!!!


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