
Showing posts from January, 2011

I wonder what it would be like......

Today was a good day. I'm not quite sure why. It was a day like every other, but I felt better emotionaly. I slept much better than usual, without the need of medication or getting up at 3 a.m. to walk around and wonder why I'm up. I slept. Is it possible that sleeping can make that much of a difference? I paid some bills this morning and looked at what I still need to pay for the month. Not the most relaxing job, I must say. But I'm grateful that we are able to manage the most important bills when so many are losing their homes and having a hard time paying for the most basic expenses like food and electricity. I hope and pray that our government will soon find a way out of this mess. There are so many who live within their means and have always done so, who take care of their bills and have always done so, who do not take advantage of the system if they can possibly help it. I think there are many good people who are suffering for something that is not their faul...

Old Mc Shannon had a farm

The weather was beautiful today. I woke up to birds singing outside my window in the garden. We haven't had a lot of birds out here for some reason. I hung a bunch of birdhouses in a tree and now we have a family of doves and a bunch of little birds. They've probably eaten all my larkspur seeds that fell last fall. Oh well. We have 9 deer that we feed every day. It's pretty cool to watch them. Especially when the babies are little and start to play with each other. Our place feels a bit like a farm with 4 cats plus a couple of neighbor cats, two dogs, 9 deer, birds, a fish and a rabbit that recently got out of his cage and is probably running around under the crawlspace. Hope we find him soon. I remember, when I was little, I wanted to live on a farm. I think I would have ended up becoming a vegetarian just looking at those sweet faces. Recently we lost a very large three year old buck we had been feeding regularly. He ended up tangled in the fencing and wore himself out tr...

Just keep swimming

Wow!!! It's been a while since I've been on this thing. I've been avoiding the computer. Not because I don't enjoy it, just cause I haven't had the mental energy to deal with it. Does that make any sense? We've had 5 stressful months and it hasn't let up yet. I'm hopeful that things will calm down after january. I didn't send out Christmas cards this year. I had all the stuff, but ran out of energy. I still have my Christmas trees and a few other decorations up. :( Oh how I wish I had a magic nose to wiggle and make everything jump into the boxes and put themselves in storage. Wouldn't that be wonderful? Our oldest son is all set up at the house in town. I think he's lovin it there. Taylor moved his things into Bruce Landon's room and the house is calm and peaceful...for now. For the next few months we have, what we call, our down season. It's always stressful, but we seem to pull through every year with God's help. I never know h...