I wonder what it would be like......
Today was a good day. I'm not quite sure why. It was a day like every other, but I felt better emotionaly. I slept much better than usual, without the need of medication or getting up at 3 a.m. to walk around and wonder why I'm up. I slept. Is it possible that sleeping can make that much of a difference? I paid some bills this morning and looked at what I still need to pay for the month. Not the most relaxing job, I must say. But I'm grateful that we are able to manage the most important bills when so many are losing their homes and having a hard time paying for the most basic expenses like food and electricity. I hope and pray that our government will soon find a way out of this mess. There are so many who live within their means and have always done so, who take care of their bills and have always done so, who do not take advantage of the system if they can possibly help it. I think there are many good people who are suffering for something that is not their faul...