
Showing posts from May, 2017


Today started out as a good day.  My youngest graduated last night and the day was going to be a, catch up on housework day.  May is always so busy and our home turns into a disaster that never seems to get cleaned up. Then my dad drove up.  My dad hasn't been to my home in two and a half years.  I was actually excited to see that he came to the house.  He wanted to bring Alex a graduation card. Well.....He seemed like he didn't want to be here.  I asked how he was doing. I took him out to see the chickens and Henny, our Road Island Red, wanted to go from my lap to his.  He took her, told her not to crap on him and then handed her back within a minute or less.  He didn't seem interested in anything about me or his grandkids. He said nothing positive.  He didn't compliment anything.  I thought to walk him through the garden, but he just said, "I see that".  So...he left.  My husband came in from the back of th...

A picture of feet

My house is such a mess. I bet more women wake up with that thought than anything else. I've been walking around trying to organize stuff.  I have Alex's camping things to put away and I just swept the pet hair off the floor.  If you came to my home and you knew my would think it was going to be perfectly clean and organized.  However.... I was not born with that gene.  I was walking around this morning and it was as if I could hear the words of my mom and grandmother and mother in law, who are now in heaven, as they would tell me what a mess and that I need to clean and declutter my house.....etc....etc....  I'm laughing as I tell my husband this and then I looked up and said, "shhhhh......  this is how I stay married". I told my husband that he is very lucky that I found God, because I would be the crazy screaming lady, that I was before, who has this idea that if I don't keep it perfect, I'm a failure. I would...

Whatcha doin with your day?

Today is Wednesday.  It's incredibly humid outside but the sun is out and it's still so pretty. I've already had a busy day. We have a pond that lost all it's fish a month or so ago due to frogs....I think. So we cleaned it out and put in new fish.  Well, for the past two days the frogs have been mating in the pond and kill at least two fish each time.  Then, I have to go out and pull the strings of tadpole eggs out, take out 20 % of the water and refill.  This has been two days in a row.  I love frogs.  But the one that was run over in my driveway last night did not make me sad. The pond is so pretty when little fish are swimming around. I also found out today that the chickens love bananas and watermelon. Bruce is still working on the hen house and we pray we can make it safe so nothing can get in to hurt them.  Maybe we can finish it this weekend so they can have some stretching room.  They are getting a bit big for the coop they sit i...


It's a beautiful windy cool day perfect for taking a bit of time outside. I went out this morning and did some reading in my "Quantum Wellness" book. Our young chickens kept me company. They run around like they are on a race track, round and round the cage.  The hen house my husband is building will be finished in perfect time for them.  They will need the room.  Henny is a good sized sweet girl who needs more space soon. In the book I'm reading it's talking about visualization.  It goes into replacing old pictures in your mind with new ones. I didn't quite understand until she said something about the old voices in your head. It made me think of how you can get on pinterest or look at a home décor magazine and after a while, your ready to redecorate your living room.  It's kind of like encouraging your brain with positive things, instead of listening to the same old recording of your mothers voice telling you your lazy or a friend telling you you...