The things you love
Good Morning. I am, at the moment, sitting in my Livingroom with my Christmas tree all decorated and Christmas music playing in the background. It's October. Yes, I am one of THOSE PEOPLE. There are quite a few things going on at the house recently. We are trying to transition to a more calm less mess environment. We are trying to become organized and give the place a bit more peace. When you live in a house for several years, it slowly become more and more cluttered and you don't see it. You hang this here and that there and finally you have 25 bunches of dried flowers hanging all over the place and many more little knick knacks here and there. I did not notice until I looked at some pictures that came up while searching for craft photos. It was like looking at a nice relaxed clean version of my home and got me looking around a bit. I will never be a minimal person. I will always have a lot of things. I can do with a little less. So today, while my hus...