Doing a Cleanse

This last few days I've been doing a cleanse.
Bruce purchased a juice cleanse kit from a local juice shop called "Fresh" a few days ago, and I've kept up with eating all fruits and veggies for several days.  I feel better, but tired.  I think my body is saying, "FINALLY!!!"
It may take a while for me to get my energy back but it will be worth it in the end.
It is so crazy hard to keep from eating the bad stuff.
We have such little willpower when there is so much available that's bad for us.
I drink my juice while saying, "I want pizza".  It seems to help.  LOL!

Our AC is out again.  We just went through this two weeks ago.
It's supposed to get cooler this week.  Thank the Lord above!!!
It's funny, as uncomfortable as it is when these things break...
We've been pretty peaceful about it as it works itself out.
Having peace while living life seems to be the ultimate goal I guess.  But you want Joy to come along with it.  And maybe a few other things.
These mindsets are what I hope for.  I want to learn it and share it.

I have a dream....  Something I really want.....
We want to close in the front porch with screening and do the repairs so it stays nice and clean and we can go out and have coffee or wine and sit on the swing.  Right now Gracie has destroyed the porch.  It makes me really unhappy.  So that will be the new plan.  I want my country front porch back.  You can't put anything out there without Gracie eating it.
We plan on making a dog yard.
Then we just need bark collars with remotes, so we can zap the chihuahua.
Gracie would eat them.
No... I won't do it.  I can't afford them.

I was brought up in the Catholic Church as a child.  I didn't really understand it.  My mother was brought up in the Catholic Church but didn't really teach us much about how things were done and why.  So I ended up changing my Church years down the road to my husbands.  It was a good fit for many years before things fell apart and got ugly.
Now we go to a church that is huge and really does wonderful things.
Recently I picked up my rosary that my grandmother gave me.  I never really understood why we said the rosary.  It really confused me when I started going to other churches.  I thought that because it wasn't in the bible... it wasn't what I should do.
My grandmother said a rosary every day of her life after my uncle passed away.
My mother said she was still saying them at the nursing home.
I picked mine up the other day and I thought about how lovely it is.
It has been prayed over many many times.  Just for that reason it is precious.
So... lately, I've been researching the rosary and trying to find out where the tradition started.
It's been interesting.  I took a bit of time and went to Amazon and purchased a pretty pink one so I have one in my bedroom and one in the closet, where my other bed is located. ( I use that bed when I can't sleep.  I can move and adjust pillows without waking my husband.)
The cycle of counting prayers with the rosaries have encouraged me to pray for my husband, my health, my boys, etc... In a way that places me in that peaceful mindset.  What a wonderful way to meditate.
It seems to go along well with the book I'm reading on the Buddhists that meditate for peace of mind.  It's the same sort of idea.  I'm still researching and learning.
I always want to get deeper into my faith.  I wish I was good at memorizing Bible verses.
I was not born with the memorizing gene.

I will be very happy when my energy comes back and I can do things.
I want to go out to eat without worry of feeling bad.  I look forward to that the most.
I didn't get to serve in church today because I was afraid I would fall.  I felt wonky the last time I served.  I've got some doctors appointments coming up and have had all my lady physical stuff done last week to rule out all the regular things.  I'm going to keep drinking my juice and eating my veggies and saying I want pizza. I can not promise that I won't eat pizza one day.
I'm not that crazy. That kind of willpower is not human.

Hope your October is going well.
Is it pumpkin spice time yet???


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