Growing and Giving

My home is chaos.
Between me only having a few hours a day that I can do anything,
and my husband having so much on his plate with a full time job,
and many little challenges along with the way with animals making mess,
It is absolute chaos.
I have to think of it as beautiful chaos.
I have a home, a husband, 4 beautiful boys, food, clothes, animals, and I am breathing.
My heart is beating and my family is healthy.
I was listening to something the other day about how we make ourselves unhappy.
It asked you to make a list of the areas in your life you are happy with and why.
Then it asks you to make a list of the areas you are unhappy with and why.
When you do this and look at the lists you will find that the things your are happy
with fit the blueprint of what you think life is supposed to be.
The things your unhappy with do not fit the blueprint.
You feel like your failing in that area.
So, what do you do?
You change the blueprint.
You change your story.
We were all raised with the blueprint.  Husband, children, house, car, good job,
clean house, fancy car, vacation every year, cook dinner every evening, be the PTA
mom, do it all perfectly like the "woman of noble character" in the bible, etc....
What if you changed the blueprint?
What if you totally accepted YOUR VERY OWN blueprint.
What if you worked on your own blueprint instead of the one we are felt we
had to achieve.
At the beginning and the end of the audio it said Growing and Giving are what makes you happy.
Growing and Giving.
Every day feed your mind with good things.

Today I'm doing laundry.
I don't mind it actually.  I'm blessing my husband and myself by doing it.
Let's see how much I can accomplish.  Whatever it is... it will be enough.
Hope everyone has a great Monday.


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