What Does Your Life Look Like?
I am taking a break from chores. I have a lot of chores. It's my own fault.
I think I am a border line hoarder. I love to surround myself with pretty things.
I love to do crafts, so I have a lot of supplies.
I love my birds, so I have a lot of them.
I love to garden, so I have a lot of plants and a huge garden that is full of stuff (not much that is edible).
I keep things that remind me of someone, or a story that makes me happy.
I keep things that are beautiful and make me feel good to look at them.
I love nature, trees, plants, deer, rabbits, wild flowers (God's Art).
I live in the center of a park like atmosphere. It is peaceful even with the noise of the chickens
and quail and dogs that seem to bark at everything that moves.
So last night we bought groceries online. This morning Bruce went to pick them up.
I have spent the entire day trying to find room in the refrigerators to put the things that need
to be kept cold or frozen. I did do some yoga in between the stress of that job.
We have people who come out to the property often to get birds and eggs. Each time
they say they love it here. We have had a couple of kids that say it's like a dream place
to live. Then you get that one person who says the place is overwhelming and we need to
downsize and get some help with the clean up. One person who's honest opinion makes you
think. There is this part of me that gets a little sad and then there is this part of me that looks
around and says "well duh"! Lol!
I came from a home where everything had to be perfect and clean and organized and you never
knew when your toys were going to be gone when you came home because mom sold them or
donated them. I wonder at times if it is part of my issue with keeping things.
My mom felt that beauty was everything. Perfection was her goal in life. It was put before
everything. My mom was my best friend. I was supposed to be like her. That was an impossible
task being who I am. I'm just not the type of person to need everything perfect and magazine like.
And yet, I have a beautiful home if you can see past the clutter. I am a great decorator behind the
clutter. I can make a home feel warm and cozy and amazing when it is not my own. Lol!
At the moment I am sitting on my front porch swing with plants all around me. I have a green
house in front of me and there is very little space to walk. Walking is overrated.
This space, in all it's cluttered form, is my favorite.
I wonder, some days, why I am the way I am. What happened in my life that made me this way?
Was I born to be like this? Did I learn it from my neighbor Betty who I adored and practically
raised me. Am I just so laid back that I don't care what my home looks like, most of the time?
Most of my clutter is amazing. Eggs from chickens and quail that fill the fridge, feathers that
are beautiful, fabric that has so much color and texture and possibilities, linens that make a room
feel warm and marshmallowy, plants that make air and food, books that lift me up or tell my
favorite stories, pictures of people I love, clothing that gives me the possibility of looking the
way I feel for the day, dishes and glasses and cups that make you feel special when you use them,
Birds that I breed and create, with Gods help, that look so cool. My garden is like art. My home
is like art. I am creative and artistic and easy going. I love to sit on a porch swing and gather
my thoughts. I've raised my children, been married almost 33 years, restored two homes and
added on to both with out own designs. We are thrifty, silly, loving, a bit nutty (the best people
are). We love God before all things and He is the foundation of our life.
I hope for myself to heal, be full of joy, live peacefully always as I do now, but always strive to
improve. I hope to be a blessing and always do nice things for those I love, avoid conflict, give
space to those I love but don't get me. I hope to be good, kind, gentle, loving.
I want to be told "well done good and faithful servant".
This last two years have been a challenge and heartbreaking in so many ways.
We have lost people we love so dearly. We think of their families and it pulls at our
hearts. A mother who loses a son, a family that loses and mother, father or friend. A sister
and wife who is forever gone. And we pray for them. That God is holding them and hugging
them and telling them they are precious.
Today is a good day of reflection. I am grateful that I am able to let go and love without all
the STUFF getting in the way. Tomorrow will be another day. Not sure what it will bring.
God keeps my heart peaceful most days.
I pray He keeps your hearts peaceful too.
Hugs Shannon
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