Can't buy me LOVE

My brain is wanting to shut down on me today. With Bruce's tooth issues, a busy schedule, unfinished home, being a month away from our business down season (after a year of droubt), Christmas coming up and the dramas of having 3 teens, I think I'm living at my limit.

Every year I wonder how we got through the last year. God always provides but it seems this last couple of years have been a true test of patience with provisions coming in only at the very last minute. We work hard, try to live right, are careful with our finances and every single time we finally feel like we're digging our way out.....a truck breaks down, an apliance goes out, a tooth needs filling......etc....etc.

I long for a break in the storm. To have just a few months of financial peace, comfort....luck. Do I believe in luck? I hate the hold that money has on the world. I put no stock in it, and yet I have to have it to survive. That old saying that money can't buy happiness...... I'd just like to test that theory once. Just once!!! I think it can buy happiness, since being happy is a fleating emotion. I can tell ya right now I would be very very happy if I was at the beach right now. :)
But money can't buy me joy. Joy is something totally seperate of being happy. I think I have joy. I have a good life. My faith is strong. I know it's what gets me through every day of the tough stuff. I wish I could give THAT away as a Christmas gift to family and friends. Wouldn't that be wonderful? To box up a little package of God and send it to a friend or family member and watch it change their life. I think we would both get something out of that gift. They would find their heart filled by that one thing they've been searching for (but didn't know it), and I would get to watch their life change to a life of love, joy, peace. That would be the second best Christmas gift of ALL TIME.
So in all my trials of the week, month, and YEARS.......I'm still good. Cause money can't buy what I got.
Although I would some miracle...if my husband's tooth would heal and he wouldn't need a root canal. :(
Love to you all.


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