
Showing posts from February, 2011


Today was a hard day. I created this blog in the hopes of improving my life, or rather my attitude about life, and keeping record of how it goes. I guess I should post the bad days along with the good ones. So here's a bad day......... I have depression that is either hereditary or situational. Not sure which. I am on a low dose of medication for my depression, but sometimes even the meds can't keep me from crawling in bed for the day. Today was one of those days. Usually I get embarrassed with the bad days and try to find excuses for it. Sometimes I look at what's going on and think it's just life. Sometimes I spend a good chunk of time talking to God about it and asking Him to help me. I sometimes feel like I'm so lucky that my life is good and no life can be perfect, so suck it up and be happy you have what you have. Recently........ it's just ticking me off. I'm so tired of thinking I can't have a good life AND be a happy person, because we all need ...

Just a bit of fluff

I was reading a historical romance novel yesterday and something the author wrote in the novel made me think. Her character in the novel said something about poeple who try to be happy by doing all kind of things and spending so much effort to find happiness. Instead, she claims her grandfather told her not to try to find happiness, just BE HAPPY. I thought about that for a while....... There seems to be something in that little piece of information, even if it does come from a fiction romance novel full of all the fluff woman love. I think I spend a very large part of my life trying to find ways to be happy. I think back at my days and say, "what part of today did I like the best"? I'm always amazed when I hear a story about someone who had this Ah Ha moment where their life changed and they became the happy person. Kinda makes me want to throw something at them. :) This time of year is my favorite. When the weather is just cool enough and yet just warm enough. Wh...

Getting old is no fun

It was beautiful outside today. Perfect day for the windows to be open. OK...eventful day..... Bruce got a call this morning from my father in law, who fell late in the evening and couldn't get up. He slept on the floor through the night and finally crawled to the phone this morning. Bruce went to the house to get him and he's in the hospital for observation. I tell ya...getting old is no fun. It's hard for my father in law because he has few people who are able to deal with him for a long period of time. He doesn't have the best personality. I'm so thankful he was able to make it to the phone. I'm not sure when we would have thought to check on him. I hope my personality is decent when I get up there in age. It is so sad when friends or family aren't happy to see someone who is older in years. It's sad to have someone in the family who is so difficult to be around. It makes you feel bad for them, (until they say something that is hurtful). It makes you ...