Just a bit of fluff

I was reading a historical romance novel yesterday and something the author wrote in the novel made me think. Her character in the novel said something about poeple who try to be happy by doing all kind of things and spending so much effort to find happiness. Instead, she claims her grandfather told her not to try to find happiness, just BE HAPPY. I thought about that for a while.......
There seems to be something in that little piece of information, even if it does come from a fiction romance novel full of all the fluff woman love.
I think I spend a very large part of my life trying to find ways to be happy.
I think back at my days and say, "what part of today did I like the best"?
I'm always amazed when I hear a story about someone who had this Ah Ha moment where their life changed and they became the happy person. Kinda makes me want to throw something at them. :)

This time of year is my favorite. When the weather is just cool enough and yet just warm enough. When it feels so good to lay on a hammock and read a book (although...without getting a sunburn).
Bruce and I have simplified our schedule for a while because we were finding that life was getting lost in the shuffle. We were realizing we were too tired to have those moments when you just want to sit and have a glass of wine on the porch and enjoy your family. We stopped managing the youth band at church and have taken a couple of sundays off a month from the worship team. We miss it in so many ways, but feel like we can breath a bit better. I was finding it hard to find God in my life because I was spending so much time working for Him. That doesn't sound like it makes any sense, but that's how it felt. I was forgetting to go outside and look at the stars and find Him in the wind through the trees.

My father in law will be transfered to a nursing home for rehab tomorrow. I need to go see him. Oh how I wish he had a smile when I walk in the door, instead of a frown asking if I paid my taxes and why the boys haven't come to see him.
I think about what will happen to him when he passes and if God has a place for him.
My mother in law had a strong faith. By the time the cancer took her, she was in a good place and appreciated her children. I pray he finds his way to that same place.
I guess you pray each of the ones you love are where they need to be with God by the time they pass from this life. I hope that a mustard seed of faith gets you a long way, cause the world is a mess. I think we all need to slow down and hear God in the wind.


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