
Showing posts from November, 2016


The day is beautiful.  The weather is cool.  The sun is shining. There is a soft breeze that feels like the breath of fall.  It is one day from December. I'm not sure if I already told you that I made a vision board. I have it hanging on the wall in the dinning room.  We don't use the dining room often.  It's a beautiful room but we only use it for game nights or when we eat thanksgiving type meals.  I thought, last night, that it might be nice to put my desk under the vision board.  So...that is what I did. Seeing your hopes for the year written out before you, makes them seem possible. Posting encouraging messages to yourself and reminding yourself that every day there are so many blessings around that we simply choose not to see. A great lady of our community passed away the other day.  She was one of those people who was always nice and always smiling.  She encouraged others and we were blessed to know her and her family...

Christmas music sooths the chicken soul.

What a beautiful day!  I have windows open and Christmas music going.  I even danced with Maggie to a Buble song.  She seemed content to dance with me.  The chicken must like the music, because they have been in the garden sitting in the shade for an hour or so.  Ha!  Normally they eat and leave. My son Taylor flies in on Wednesday!  Yay!!!  I love when all my chicks are in the nest. Gives me peace. I'm not sure what my day will involve.  I need to pay bills and clean the kitchen.....Big Shocker there! Hope everyone has an awesome day. Love shannon


It is Sunday evening.  I'm sitting in my bedroom with the windows open and the sprinkler going in the garden.  The sun isn't quite down and you can hear the neighbors little girls giggling in the yard. You can hear those cicada bugs, or whatever they are called, that you always here in fall.  And....Maggie is walking down the hall howling with some piece of dirty laundry from Alex's hamper.  It was a good day today.  I had two really good weeks and then yesterday was sick with a flare and cried a lot of the day.  It's just what ya gotta do.. Taylor comes to visit this week.  I look forward to that. I also look forward to Thanksgiving with my family. God is Good!!! I wish all the people on facebook who keep talking about the election would just take a break and enjoy what God has blessed them with for a minute.  It's so depressing seeing post after post.  When I wake up in the morning and have my coffee on my messy front porch that...

All kinds of fun stuff

Good Morning! It's really beautiful outside.  We've had rain for a few days and cooler temperatures. I was even able to open my windows and enjoy the fresh air until late last night when I started getting an allergy attack.  Ha!  But it's worth it. I woke up this morning to a mess of clothing that Maggie carried from Alex's room.  She was a busy little Bee.  I bet she got her 10,000 steps in. This picture is of the things she's brought me just since I've been typing.  :/ After putting away her little collection, I made my coffee, told my husband bye and I'm sitting at the kitchen table blogging and watching butterflies fly all over the garden.  The resident rooster is crowing.  His little chicken lungs are getting stronger.  They still come by to eat each day.  I've asked the hens, nicely, to lay me just one egg, but no luck so far. Yesterday my husband took on the project of converting my old cassettes to digital.  It's ...

Messy Me

Good cloudy morning to ya!!! I have my cat on my lap, my ottoman pulled to my desk to put me feet up, my coffee next to me, and a hopeful outlook to the day. Maggie has her tail slapping the ottoman and keeps staring at me as if to say, "PET ME!" I really wanted that cool front to come through and give us cool air, but it doesn't seem to want to cooperate.  Darn.  So...yesterday I looked online and read up on how to grow sprouts.  I had two available jars and some screen, so I gave it a try.  I'll post pictures and blog about it if I'm successful.  What a cool idea!  The only problem I'm having with all these plants and cool things I'm making, is that my house is looking a bit of a mess.  I know now why my Omie's kitchen always had cluttered counter space and food on the stove.  I have 4 containers on top of the pantry, with tea in them.  I have beans in jars tilted in a bowl with a towel over it, on the kitchen counter by the tv....


Good Morning!!!! I'm not sure I have anything to write about this morning, but I love to write.  So I'll just click about here for a bit and delete it later if it's not worth reading.  Most of my blog posts are just gibberish. There is something about having those keys under your fingers and the sound that it makes clicking away.  I'm also obsessed with a good pen and a clean journal page.  There is something very soothing about writing.  It's supposed to get cooler this week.  My body is so looking forward to it. Just the thought of cooler weather and the look of fall makes me want to curl up and watch the show. How perfect it is that God makes us anticipate each season as if it's a gift that we're waiting to open. Looking out the window, I see a squirrel on our picnic table.  It's playing, running it's face along the boards, and then rolls to it's back.  Every small sound makes it perk up in concern. This is prob...