
Good Morning!!!!
I'm not sure I have anything to write about this morning, but I love to write.  So I'll just click about here for a bit and delete it later if it's not worth reading.  Most of my blog posts are just gibberish.
There is something about having those keys under your fingers and the sound that it makes clicking away.  I'm also obsessed with a good pen and a clean journal page.  There is something very soothing about writing. 

It's supposed to get cooler this week.  My body is so looking forward to it.
Just the thought of cooler weather and the look of fall makes me want to curl up and watch the show.
How perfect it is that God makes us anticipate each season as if it's a gift that we're waiting to open.
Looking out the window, I see a squirrel on our picnic table.  It's playing, running it's face along the boards, and then rolls to it's back.  Every small sound makes it perk up in concern.
This is probably the same little animal that crawled in out walls last night and knocked about, making me sleep in another room.
It's rutting season, so the deer are on full alert.  The mommas leave the babies in safe places and then spend the day trying to avoid the bucks.  The bucks chase each other to fight for the female.
Chaos.....  And because of it, there are deer on the sides of the roads.  We all drive with a bit of caution to keep from injuring an animal....or a car.

I need to organize the house today and wash slip covers and sheets.  So exciting!
I also need to make a couple of batches of sweet tea and throw a scoby in each. 
I should cook up some okra gumbo, so the okra from the garden won't got to waist, and I should make something for dinner this evening.
Now, just cause I say I need to or I should...doesn't mean it's gonna happen.
Maggie is on my lap and she can attest to that.
In this house, when a cat plants itself on your lap, you tend to feel obligated to stay still so they can rest.  My husband hates to disturb cats when they're on his lap.  I become the gofor.  It's a cat parent thing.

I hope everyone has a blessed day.  It's not hard to find truly beautiful blessings in the day if you open your eyes and look about.  Take some time to smell the roses and watch nature.  Peace of mind and spirit is hard to come by when life is busy.  God gives us so many beautiful gifts each day and we walk right past them.


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