
The day is beautiful.  The weather is cool.  The sun is shining.
There is a soft breeze that feels like the breath of fall.  It is one day from December.
I'm not sure if I already told you that I made a vision board.
I have it hanging on the wall in the dinning room. 
We don't use the dining room often.  It's a beautiful room but we only use it for game nights or when we eat thanksgiving type meals.  I thought, last night, that it might be nice to put my desk under the vision board.  So...that is what I did.
Seeing your hopes for the year written out before you, makes them seem possible.
Posting encouraging messages to yourself and reminding yourself that every day there are so many blessings around that we simply choose not to see.

A great lady of our community passed away the other day.  She was one of those people who was always nice and always smiling.  She encouraged others and we were blessed to know her and her family.  When I heard she had passed away, I went to my vision board and I wrote...
It is written on pink paper in the center, to get my attention.
Every day we are given sunshine and fresh air. 
Each day we have images given to us more beautiful than any painting of art we could ever produce. 
We are shown nature in great detail but we pass it by without a thought.
We fear a spider instead of seeing the perfection of it's web.
We see a sunset and pass it by in a hurry to get home.
We run about multitasking and don't take the time to enjoy what we do.
The bible says, "take captive every thought".
Just think of how much you would have to slow down your life and mind to do that.
What would things be like if we all slowed our life down and sat on a porch swing with friends and family?  What if we did less to make life fancy and perfect and did more to just take the time to enjoy each simple beautiful thing around us. 
There are people in my life that can't slow down.  The idea of a bubble bath or a coffee on a porch swing would be extremely difficult.  Just the time it takes to sit and be still without needing to get up and do something busy. 
I try to make my home like a bed and breakfast that you want to visit, in the middle of a natural park.
I think rustic and shabby chic, so I don't have to clean and paint everything that is falling apart.
I create spaces in my home that feel marshmallowy.  My word.  I created it.  It's my style.  ;)
I have many thing, people and animals to take care of.  It's a great deal of work.  It is my work.
I don't get paid for it.  I work all day every day.  I work hard, but I am completely present while I work.  I pray all day.  God has blessed my life.  I give Him all the credit.

Today is a good day.  I feel good.
I'm going to clean up my home and make it pretty.  I'm going to think of where to put my tree and nativity.  I'm going to do laundry and bless my husband with clean clothes.  I'm going to wrap Taylors gifts so he can take them when he leaves and have his Christmas with us on Christmas day over Skype.  :)
Have a blessed day everyone.


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