I was just thinking about how many times I have read about the way the world works now
with phones and facebook.  I was thinking about how everyone seems distracted and kids
don't know how to communicate and people aren't getting out with friends as often.
I think I'm starting to kind of disagree with some of it.
I love facebook.
I have had years and years of people who have come through my life.
I love that I can friend them and see how beautiful their children are and see some of the wonderful things that are happening in their life.
Some of my friends on facebook are not close friends but might be someone I knew when I was young and really looked up to.  Or maybe they are a new friend who I have something in common with.  I've changed my way of thinking about social media.  I want to connect with people.
I go through my news feed and I see all the pictures and fun things people do.  I don't comment or like everything because there are so many.  But I love it.
When I turn a tv on and see the news...it is depressing and there are so many things I don't need to know.  When I go through facebook and see my cousin's daughter posting pictures of her dance recital or have a friend post a picture of her son etting his cast off... That is the part of connecting I love.  I love to see life.

I have made some really fun friends through facebook in the last couple of year.  They have been a great support to me when I didn't feel well and was going through illness.  I have had my chicken obsession supported by some awesome people.  Lol.  I have watched people I love go through their own illness or challenge.  I get to pray for them.  I have gotten to share my own life.

I'm not one of the people who paints a pretty picture with every post.  I don't pose with full makeup.
I don't clean my house when I make a video of the dogs playing on a dirty floor.  I have pictures of chickens in my bathroom with poo on the floor in the background.  Lol!  I still have my Christmas tree up and I'm not ashamed to say it.
I think we have all let go of the perfection our parents tried to portray.  I know it was so important to my mom that everyone thought she was the perfect mother, and wife, and house keeper.
I have no need to prove that to anyone.  My home is a disaster.  It's beautiful under the disaster.  Lol.
I feel like we have all had to chill and be who we need to be.  And if your not there, then you will get there at some point because the world is different.  Things are more stressful.  We can't do it all.
So " let it go...let it go".
I had a couple of melt downs last week.  I had some bad days where too many things challenged me and I had to give it all to God.  But I hold on to it for so long before I let it go.  Ugh!
I do the damage of a week of stress to my body in just one day and pay the price for it.

I thought about how stressful things are here at the house. I have so many things going on at one time because it's just me.  I have chickens and a garden and crafts, and a home and 4 boys and three houses and bills to pay and illness and a now I sell coffee that I love.  I do a radio show with my husband on Fridays, that I love.  I rarely have time to get dressed and if I do...the chickens eat my earrings, or I sweat off my makeup.
I can share my mess with anyone on facebook and I don't worry about how they see me.
I have found my heart.  I have found myself.  I'm working to find more of myself.

My dad called me the other day because my brother told him it was my birthday the day before.  He left me a message and I called him back.  I asked him why he doesn't choose to remember the three dates that his children were born and why he doesn't make more effort to spend time with his children.  He got mad and said don't worry, I'll be dead in 5 years.  I cried.
Afterwards I thought..."why do I let that get to me?  It's not like he hasn't been this way my entire life."  That saying, "when people show you who they are, believe them".  Yep.

So..I say...spend a little time on facebook and let people know who you are.  Let them know who you truly are.  Show them the dirty along with the pretty.  Tell them the yucky along with the yummy.
Don't fake it. Don't make your life looks so pretty and perfect. You can't have a relationship with that.
Show us your mess.  Here's some of mine.



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