Yesterday felt like a really big day.

Yesterday Bruce brought in some packages that had been delivered.
One was from my cousin and I thought the other was something I had ordered online, until I looked at who it came from.  I realized it was my book.  I was so excited and part of me couldn't believe what I was holding in my hands.  I have dreamed of this for many years.  It felt amazing.
When you start a blog and write posts here and there for 10 years, you can't imagine what all it has to say.  Part of you is a little scared to read it.  It's been a really hard 10 years.  I know what I've gone through in that time, but I have no idea how much of it came through to the posts, or as they are now.. pages.  But cool!!!

I decided it would be a smart idea to print myself a copy of everything and then read it and see what I had written.  Blogging can be about so many subjects or just someone's feelings or opinions.  Mine was about a journey and what I was learning.  So what I wrote at the beginning I may have a different opinion of by the end.  I can say I'm a little nervous to read my book.  Will I relive pain, or cry from the memory of something.  I guess I'll find out.  Even if I do, what a great gift I hold in my hands.

Today is a great day.  I am focused and have accomplished many things.  I've been listening to motivational speakers and working on keeping my thinking positive.  I want to be courageous.  Sounds silly, I know.
When I was little I didn't have courage.  I only have courage with my husband because he is incredibly kind with me.
In every other situation, I usually get bitten in the butt if I say or do something out of MY ordinary.

For a few months Bruce and I have been reading two books.  One about how to create boundaries and one on attitude.  We read only small pieces at a time, only enough to not get overwhelmed, just enough to think about for the day.  It's amazing what you can learn, even at our age, about life.
I never want to stop learning.
In life you run into people who think they know everything and walk around with a chip on their shoulder.  They won't talk about subjects they don't know enough about to sound smart.  They never think they're wrong. They are usually very proud and only half listen to anything you say.
I can't do that. I know I have so much to learn.  I know I have so many things I can offer the world or even just one person.  I want to make a difference by being kind, intelligent, and generous.

I want everyone to know that I have a strong faith in God.
If they don't know that, I feel like I'm failing.
This is crucial to me.
You must be able to see God in me.
It doesn't mean you have to agree.
I won't push my beliefs on you.
God is the foundation of everything I am, everything I have,
everything I believe, and everything I do.
I need to ROCK that.
It's important to me.

So... when I get up from here, I will fold laundry, figure out dinner, and see what other things I can do to BLESS my family.  I have to always think of it as blessing my family, right? Lol!
One of the motivations I'm learning is to raise my standards.  For me....  I need to start by getting my house back in order.  It is my first focus of getting back into life.

I read that 80% of success is mental.
20% is mechanics.
So I'm determined to master my thinking.



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