
This is Mr Gretta. (Thought he was a girl, turned out to be a boy)
You can do just about anything to this sweet boy, and he just soaks it up.

Some days I wish I had that magic bewitched nose. Oh how wonderful it would be to twinkle my little nose and have all the mess cleaned up in an instant. After an hour or so of each person in my home going through every cupboard and container trying to find the perfect part for their halloween costume, my house is a wreck.
No matter. I head for the kitchen and, as flylady would say, I shine my sink. Or rather, I did my dishes and cleaned up the kitchen. It's amazing, when everything is a mess and incredibly overwhelming, all you have to do is clean up the kitchen and it gives you hope. :P

I didn't have a clue, when I chose to have children, that it would be as difficult as it is. You go through those baby years of waking up at all hours of the night, smelling of spit up, and getting that bath routine down by putting that rag in that perfect spot so a fountain doesn't shoot you in the face.
Then the toddler years of getting them out of every plant, having to duct tape their diaper on so they won't take it off and throw it away....AGAIN, and trying to figure out how to get a picture drawn with peanut butter and jelly off of a heavily textured wall without removing the paint.
And then, trying to decided when to let them date, how to get rid of zits, do I really want them to drive, "What is that SMELL" and "You sent HOW many text messages last month?".
I seriously don't think I was prepared.
Now I'm thinking, Dude....when my kids leave, my house is going to look soooo good. Until then, just suck it up and do what ya gotta do.
I've been raising kids for 19 years. I feel like a failure a lot of the time. However, when I look at who my boys are, I'm proud. I can tell you right now that they aren't organized, they don't clean up after themselves and my daughter-in-laws will probably be on the phone with me crying for whatever bad habit my boys torture their spouse with. But they are sweet, honorable, and loving young men. For that I'm a proud mom.

This evening we're suposed to get rain and cool weather. We have a woodstove in our home that makes you feel like your living in the 20's. I hope I get to use it.
It's funny how much small things like that make a memory. My Dad didn't use our fireplace at home often, but when he did, it was a big deal to me. I think now a days we don't think about making memories with our kids as much. Life is so busy. It doesn't take much to make a memory. I have a stack of cassete tapes that I need to change over to CD. On one of them I have a recording of my brother and I singing Christmas music. He was always good at making me laugh. I was a lot younger so I'm sure I was a pain in the butt most of the time, but on this occasion, he took the time to entertain me. I can hear him singing. I don't have to listen to it to remember how it went. He changed the words of the songs to make me laugh. It's a great memory. One of my favorites. How often do we do things like that to make a memory with our kids? Life it too short not to at least try to fill it with good stuff. It doesn't take much to make a great memory for our kids.

Ok, so I'm off to do some laundry, make my bed, and maybe work on my doll.
Have a great day today.


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