
Showing posts from 2021

Talk to someone who loves you and tell them how your doing.

 It is almost Christmas!!!  Can you believe it?   I have had an interesting November so far.  Bruce and I started a program for my health.  You get so desperate when you feel bad all the time.  Sometimes it can feel like the life you have when you have an auto immune disease is not a quality life.  It can feel overwhelming and frustrating because you can't do the things you love anymore.  Se we reached out to someone who has a lot of the same things I have but her life is amazing.  And we started a program that she does for a living.  It's been pretty easy for us because we were only eating one meal a day due to my inability to eat and not crash. I'm getting my house cleaner and my craft area is almost up and running and I have energy and I am terrified that it won't last.  Lol!  We've been on this journey once before with a coffee we were drinking and then they changed the product and it made me sick.  So I am hopefu...

Trying again....

 Yesterday was a rough day full of bad memories and thoughts.  People will tell you to just let it go but I've learned that you have to feel the bad stuff and work through it.   I blog about my thoughts.   I am a communicator.  I talk a lot.  I share because I always felt bad as a child and I wished someone would have saved me.  I didn't like myself.  I was bullied.  I always had stomach problems from being nervous about having to deal with people.  I used to blog a lot more but some things happened that made me stop.  So now I am incredibly nervous to share my thoughts.  I have no enemies.  I hate no one.  I try not to talk about anyone.  My issues are MY issues and I blog about non specific things most days.  At times I have no idea what the subject will be about until I start typing.  I share to my facebook page because I keep my friends list small and there are no threats there.  I ge...

What Does Your Life Look Like?

I am taking a break from chores.  I have a lot of chores.  It's my own fault.   I think I am a border line hoarder.  I love to surround myself with pretty things. I love to do crafts, so I have a lot of supplies. I love my birds, so I have a lot of them. I love to garden, so I have a lot of plants and a huge garden that is full of stuff (not much that is edible). I keep things that remind me of someone, or a story that makes me happy. I keep things that are beautiful and make me feel good to look at them. I love nature, trees, plants, deer, rabbits, wild flowers (God's Art). I live in the center of a park like atmosphere.  It is peaceful even with the noise of the chickens and quail and dogs that seem to bark at everything that moves. So last night we bought groceries online.  This morning Bruce went to pick them up. I have spent the entire day trying to find room in the refrigerators to put the things that need to be kept cold or frozen.  I did d...


Can I pet your sloth? This was said to me by a little boy that visited the farm and thought I had a sloth. He asked me several time even though I told him I didn't have one.  So he would say, "or maybe your chihuahua then." 2021 hasn't been easier like we all thought.  But I think we've all learned a few things. We've learned that we can stay home with our spouse and children and still manage to keep ourselves from exploding into a thousand pieces from stressing.   We've learned we are not as prepared as we thought we were and might need to make a few changes. We've learned to improvise, cook, find other solutions if we run out of TP. I've learned that my faith in God is the most important thing in my life beyond all else. When you miss someone you lost you hope for them, that they are in heaven. It becomes the only thing that matters when they are gone.  I understand that life is not short like we  always say.  Life is long and we are only going t...

Believing in the storms

 I'm listening to music from a Texas country artist we plan on interviewing Friday, and I have a glass of wine sitting next to me.  The music is great. My brain is numb from too much to think about and do. It is soothing to hear.  My sister in law is in the hospital and it doesn't look like she will make it without a miracle.  I pray and I cry thinking about her.  I imagine her lying in the hospital bed with everything connected and my heart breaks.   We have lost so many people in the last year. I miss my dad.  I miss my Brinkley.  I will miss my Sister in law if she goes to be with God. I know she loves God.  That gives me such peace. I know Heaven exists.  I can feel it as if it is a part of me.  It is a light that lives inside my soul. I pray all the ones that I love will be there when it is their time.  It does not make losing others painless but it does make losing those who you love and know love God so freeing beca...