
Watching a deer eating outside of the front yard fence.  She's looking into the fenced part trying to decide if there are enough peach tree leaves down, to warrant a hop over for a snack.  She's not the long standing resident momma deer that we're so fond of, probably just one of her daughters or granddaughters. 
Maggie stands on my desk watching through the front window as the birds hop around on the persimmon tree outside.  It's full of little birds cleaning themselves and probably waiting for me to put out more cat food, for kiki,  for them to eat.
It's so pretty outside but still warm with a light breeze.  Such a beautiful day.

Yesterday was a facebook blow up day with local drama. 
It's heartbreaking to see when people I know have things that happen in their lives
that are crushing.  It is the age we live in these days.  Stress, frustration, anger, fear, intolerance,
and pain seems to cause people do to things they normally wouldn't.
I've been there.  I've cried and made a fool of myself in front of people due to pain that no one
knew about.  I've acted a bit crazed at times from a type of desperate pain and fear.  I look back
at those moments and want to kick myself.  But then I have to remember that I was going through
pain that no one understood, except my husband.  No one can get into your head and understand
why you do the things you do.  I'm fortunate that my actions in the past were only embarrassing to
me and didn't hurt others.  For some, other people get hurt in the crossfire.  And unfortunately...
children sometimes get hurt in the crossfire.
Praying for people in hopes it will help seems like so little, but is better than nothing.

Today I should clean up my disorganized house.  I need energy.
I need an IV of coffee. 
Oh to be a cat and just sleep your day away without a concern in the world.
Maggie has already given up on getting attention from me and has moved back to her blanket.
She has these pads on  her feet that look like a baby monkeys skin.  They are shiny and soft as silk.
She climbs on things and on us like a monkey and is a tiny cat, so it's fitting to call her my little monkey.
Greta, on the other hand is miserable with his allergies.  Poor baby.  He chooses a new place to sit each day and will not leave that place except to eat drink or use the box.  He acts like all other places  have monsters that will get him.  The other night his new place was the kitchen doorway.  In fact it was just the one board between the kitchen and dining room floors.  So...all night long, we tripped over him.  Today it is one of the kitchen table bar stools.  One day it was a bunch of bananas.  So...we're making progress.

I truly hope everyone has a blessed day. 


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