Speaking Cat

Good morning!
It's another beautiful morning but a bit warm.  Gosh I can't wait for those cool mornings.  I can almost taste it. 
The neighbors chickens have already come by for their treat.  We finally figured out who they belong to.  I think we will eventually get chickens.  I've been on the fence about it for years and I feel like God is showing me that it's kinda nice.  I love the idea of getting fresh eggs and having them eat some of the bugs around here.  I don't like the idea of snakes though.

Our garden, although a mess, is still going.  The tomato plants are starting to fill in again and even have some tomatoes starting.  I want to plant more seeds but it's just too hot for me right now.
I have some ideas of fall veggies but I'm not sure where I want to put them.  Our beds need some nutrition before I can plant anything. 

I've let Greta walk outside today.  He seems so miserable with his allergies that I feel like he needs something to keep his mind off of them.  I just hope he stays close to the house because he is too sweet and someone would keep him given the chance.  I've already lost one cat that way.
The last time he was allowed to roam, he broke his leg.  Over $400 later and we had him back home with a cast.  Several weeks after that and he was back in because he was allergic to the metal they used to repair the bone.  He still walks funny, swinging his leg out to one side with each step.

I'm  not sure what to do today.  I have so many things to choose from.  I need to clean up the kitchen and plan dinner, I need to pay bills, I need to make the beds and probably do some laundry.
I have plants that need water and plants growing in water that need planting.
I have doll bodies I can sew, tapes that I can convert to digital, home movies I can convert to digital, a closet that needs organizing, and a hundred other things I can choose from.
I have more unfinished projects in this house than anyone I know.  I like having the crafty things half done and waiting for me to finish.  But I would love to have the house finished, repaired, painted, etc..
Maybe one day I will win the lottery and hire someone to finish it all.

I've been avoiding the news and anything political.  I'm so tired of it.  My posts on facebook are boring but cheerful for the most part.  My blog posts are hopeful or about something I'm learning. 
I think I'm a bit of a naturalist, hippie type of person now.  Everything I do seems to come from a need to make things healthy or better in some way.  I started to grow a garden for peace of mind and to help us eat more affordably.  It has now turned into a way to heal our body and eat clean food. 
My mind has changed from continually stressed to hopeful, encouraged, peaceful most of the time, and wishing I could help other people who have gone through depression and illness. 
Every day I'm learning.  Not every day is a good one.  Most days my body feels tired.  But I try to keep in a good frame of mind.
When I fall back into the old self, I have to really work hard to crawl out of it.
It seems the more time I spend with God, the more peaceful I feel.  I wait for Him to show me things and guide me through each day.  It makes the stress of the day go away. 
Some days the world is just too heavy, but I know there are so many people that feel the same way, that I just do a lot of praying for them and myself.  Every day we have air to breathe, and we can focus on simple beautiful things that God puts in front of us.  Every day that our children are safe is a blessing.  Things like Autism in a child can be seen as a burden or a blessing that that child is here living a life that can be made comfortable and happy.  I look at my son and I'm so glad that I have him and that he is happy and even though I know he will have some struggles in his life, I can be here to help him and I'm so very glad that God saw fit to bless me with this precious young man.

I just brought Greta in because he upset one of the deer on the property and almost got himself stomped.  He walked into the dining room and his box was missing.  Every day he chooses a new place that he feels peaceful and he had chosen the box that was delivered yesterday.  Well, my husband took it to ship it to my son and it was not where Greta left it.  So he has been complaining for about 5 minutes that his box is missing.  I had to go find another box and turn it on it's side so he can crawl in.  That was funny.  Listening to him complain and look where the box is supposed to be. 
People say cat's can't talk.....  Oh yes they can.  You just need to learn how to speak cat.

Have an awesome day everyone.


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