It's Thursday, a game night, and fair week. The parade is tomorrow and it's still hot outside.
I'm going to melt.
I have SO many things I'd like to do today.
The house is a mess with things that need to be put away.
I have laundry that I'd like to do. I should pull the couch cover off and wash it since Brink keeps slinking along it so it's probably covered in his hair.
I have two large piles of mending that I need to go through. And three large piles of clothes in my closet that I need to go through.
I would also like to sew the doll bodies I have cut out and work on making some cool pieces of clothing out of clothing that is outdated. Upcycling!!!
Yesterday I went thrift store shopping instead of staying home and doing chores. I had so much fun.
I haven't done that in so long. I end up spending money and bringing home so much stuff that I don't need. I bought over $300 worth of clothes for $20 at the hospice thrift store. That was cool.
But, I try really hard not to spend money because I don't have a job outside of our home. I try to save by cooking, growing food, cutting our hair, coloring my own, and using things that are second hand instead of buying new, when possible. But sometimes, you just gotta get out of the house and do something fun.
I get a kick out of recycling things.
I feel like our landfill is huge because so many people are throwing things away to get something newer and in style. I try to make the smallest footprint possible. I remember going to the landfill when we first got married and it was sad seeing so much stuff being pushed into large piles. Now you go out there and it's a mountain. Literally a mountain.
I love challenging myself to make a pretty home with things that are imperfect.
But....I have a lot of stuff. I mean....A LOT!
I like having stuff. I like that I can make cool things without having to leave the house to get supplies. I love that I can totally change the look of a room just by raiding my trunk in my bedroom.
We all spend our lives finding and doing that thing we love to do.... That's my thing.
I remember telling my cousin one day, that I need a decoration for a wall over my bed. I spent several hours collecting things around the house and outside, and made a wreath with angels. I still use it.
It's about 20 years old.
It's nothing all the fancy, but I like it. :)
Today I will spend the day doing laundry, cleaning the kitchen, and making stuff.
I hope.
The chickens have already been here to visit me this morning. The two hens are getting fat. I sure hope the neighbor doesn't eat them. I will be so unhappy.
Have an awesome day!
Hugs Shannon
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