Just me having a chat with myself
I'm having trouble sleeping.... as usual. And.. of course... Maggie has to sit on my lap with her nails in my legs. I think her feet are too tiny to completely pull those puppies in.
The house is so quiet and the moon is out. It's hard to find things to do that won't wake everyone up at 3 am.
I usually stay off the computers and phone because it would just wake me up more. In fact this is probably not a smart idea.....
It was a good week so far. I enjoyed a visit from my aunt and cousin who I haven't seen in a really long time. I really like my family. At one point my aunt did something that reminded me of my mom and it made me smile. I thought of how my mom would have been sitting there listening to our visit. There are times I miss my mom but not the person she was after the divorce. I miss the happy, healthy person she was before all that mess.
Yesterday the chickens came by for a visit again. They have been here almost every day. I keep trying to figure out who they belong to. Today the little rooster was in the back corner of our property with the two hens and he was crowing. That was cute. I don't normally like when roosters crow, but his was not very strong and he sounded out of practice. They are so funny how they communicate while they roam about. The two girls are more fussy than the little guy. They like to eat out of your hand not off the ground. That's fun.
I should probably try to go back to sleep. Ugh......
I'll finish this in the morning.
I went out and looked at the garden yesterday and noticed that the tomato plants are getting a second wind. It looks like I might end up with another crop of tomatoes and bell pepper if all goes well. We have so many jalapeños that we just leave them on the bush until we need them.
The asparagus beans are just now finishing up. Those were AWESOME! I will plant them every year. We have so much cleaning, prepping and repair to do in the garden. The pond is so full of lily plants that you can't see the fish. I'm waiting for one of those nice cool days, to get started working out there. It's not going to happen in this humidity.
We've been drinking our Kombucha each day. I had 4 batches made. Two were very mild and two were very vinegary. We finished off batch one. It was the best. My favorite flavor so far is mango, pineapple, ginger. Justin seems to come by every other day to have a glass. He has my stomach.....poor kid. Trying to get our boys to eat healthy when they aren't home is really hard to do. They all know how to cook, but it's so much easier to pick up a burger or chicken strips.
I feel like things are going to change with food in the future. As I walk the isles at the grocery store I notice the organic shelves are empty and the regular shelves are full. If we don't buy the bad stuff, they can't sell it and we get more good stuff. I am slowly getting everything organic. It's costs a bit more, but I figure it all works out in the end if we're healthier.
It feels like quite a few things are changing in the world. People are wanting simpler lives and young people are wanting tiny houses with little cost, so they can enjoy life and not run around stressing like their parents. My boys aren't all that interested in having kids because of the cost and stress involved. I can't blame them. These days people look at you funny if your child isn't in every activity and your parents aren't in the PTA. I think people want to go back to raising chickens and growing gardens instead of running around getting their nails done.
We calculated how much we grew in the garden this year. We saved so much money. I think I actually made an income in the family if you consider what we would have paid for all the organic food we grew. The cucumbers alone would have cost us a bundle. I need to add everything up and post my results. I have last years totals also. It would be an interesting blog post. For me....
You are probably thinking... "how freaking borring!!!". I don't care. I'm going to post it anyway. You don't have to read it. :)
I guess I should get going with my day. I have some laundry to do and some protein cookies I can make.
Have an AWESOME day!!!!
Hugs Shannon
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