Red hair and chickens

I colored my gray hair yesterday.  It did not go well.
I didn't keep the box top for the color I liked and ended up picking the one I said I never want to use again.  So now my hair is the color of red grapes.  Ugh!!!
Oh well.  It's a temporary color.  I just have to wash it 28 times and it will be gone.  Sigh.....

It's another beautiful day.  It's still too hot for me to work outside.  The garden looks so sad.  I'm itching to get out there and clean up, maybe even start some fall plants. 
Yesterday, as I was walking in the garden to get some herbs, I thought I hear clucking.  I had to laugh at myself.  But then a few seconds later I saw that there were three chickens in my garden.  That was so much fun.  They walked around eating seeds off the overgrown plants.  They walked right into the brushy areas until you couldn't see them.  Later in the day I fed them some seed so I could pet them.  That was awesome.  It made me want chickens.  Maybe one day.

Hope everyone has a great day.


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