I had a nice day today.
Bruce and I had a visit from my Aunt and my Cousin. We were pretty excited to show them the house and hear my Aunt tell us any stories she could think of.
I don't invite people to my house often.
I think I get that from my mom. I was raised with the idea that the house should look just so...
So...I get very nervous that it's not good enough.
I'm getting better, but I have a long way to go.
I remember the days of having my cousin Kim walk in at any time and make herself at home.
I really miss those days since she moved so far away.
I love when my kids come to visit. They know I'm a mess.
I really enjoyed the today.
I wish I would do stuff like that more often.
Last night my sleep was sad. It's getting worse instead of better.
I have had two decent days of energy and feeling pretty good. Thank goodness.
Now if I could get a good solid night of sleep...I would be in heaven.
Bruce has the day off. Work is harder to find this time of year, when the grass slows.
He went to pick up the youngest from school and then pick up a salad at chick fil a.
I feel like crawling in bed and watching Netflix with him for the rest of the day....
while I do my laundry. I need to finish laundry.
I walked out the back door a few moments ago and the visitor chickens came over for their daily treat.
They are so cute. They wait under the old wash house for me to come out with bird seed.
Bruce and I sat there for several minutes just feeding them by hand and watching them peck around.
What a great slow precious moment for the day.
Lots of visitors today. :)
Have a great evening.
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