Our interesting decor

 Yay....It's Friday!!!
The youngest is at school and has a game this evening and my hubby is working.
I am sitting in a very quiet house.
I'm trying to figure out what needs to get done the most, from a very long list of chores.
The dogs smell, the porch needs spraying off, the kitchen needs cleaning, the laundry needs doing, the house needs a sweeping, the few carpets we have need vacuuming, the garden needs cleaning, the plants all need watering, the cars need vacuuming, the paperwork needs going through, the house needs some dusting and organizing, the trashcans need dumping..... and the list goes on and on.
Nothing is horribly bad except the front porch and the dogs and the dog hair on the floor and the kitchen....kinda. 
How on earth can three people, two dogs, and 4 indoor cats make so much mess?  And yet it's easier than when the other boys were home.  But then, some days, I miss having all my people in the same house.  As busy as it was and as grumpy as they could be, it was always great.  Such handsome sweet young men.

My little farm house is amusing and a joy to live in.  God has been very good to us in guiding us through this adventure.  I don't think Bruce and I would have thought to do this ourselves.

OK... so last night, in an effort to find a place for the two younger cats to roam the house without getting the older cats all bent out of shape, (they start to mark in the house and I get very aggravated)
we hung up some make shift bi fold doors in one doorway.
They are mismatched and different sizes and at the moment, very dirty from being in my husbands shop.  I will try to edit this blog post and add a photo later so you can see how funny it looks.

And yet, it's another one of those amusing things that we've done to this house.
There is a part of the house that the kids designed and we helped them build, that is really interesting and not finished.  We had each child pick his own door and windows, tell us how they wanted the room, what floors they wanted, what walls they wanted and had them design the bathroom.  We had them start by pouring and setting beams for the foundation and they helped build it from the ground up.  Its imperfect but very cool and they learned a lot from the process.  I'll try to take some pictures of parts of that also, and add them to the post.

Brinkley is 9 years old today.  What a precious dog he has been to our family.  I've never had such an intelligent animal in my life.  At the time we found him, we were looking for a dog.  Then, one morning at church, our boys came from the parking lot with a puppy that they found dumped into the bed of a truck.  And there was our Brink.  Another one of God's plans, carried out perfectly.

It's funny... every day God blesses me with some gift through nature or animals. 
Ask Him to bless you with something and then watch for it.  I dare you.  ;)
Ok...time to get this day started.
Hope everyone has a blessed day.
hugs shannon


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