And now for some serious conversation
What a beautiful Sunday.
Bruce is out mowing the property and I just worked an hour or so in the garden cleaning up beds.
Some of the tomato plants are starting to produce again, half of the green beans are still producing and we still have so many jalepenos. Everything needs some compost to boost their growth. When I have the energy and it's cool enough, I need to take a wheelbarrow into the garden and add a few scoops per plant. Our compost bed is doing really well. Each day I take out all the coffee grounds, egg shells, and scraps to the pile and bury it. After only a few days a good amount of the stuff is broken down and eaten by worms. The only thing I lack in the compost pile is poo. I just don't feel like going out and buying a bag of poo for the compost. Worm poo will have to do.
Yesterday I went through my shelf of books that are faith based, and picked out 4 to read on the back deck while it was still cool in the day. I'm always amazed at how peaceful I feel after spending a bit of time reading and talking to God. I stay so much more focused when I read something as compared to just sitting and praying. I'm not sure what I would do if I didn't have my faith. I'm not sure things would be so tolerable. When I think of how many days I woke up with a feeling of dread and wanting to crawl in bed and sleep the day away. I often think of the woman who was my counselor a year and a half ago, and how she saved me. I'm still working on things that she taught me. I still have days where I have to talk out the crazy stuff I've gone through, but most days I wake up looking at the sunshine, the trees, the garden, the chickens.... and I feel like I am so blessed.
I got this card from my youngest for senior band night.
They made him write out a card.
He has mild to moderate Asperger's and I know that card was really difficult for him to write.
I read it and started laughing at how absolutely wonderful it was.
It was his mind and his wonderful humor. What a wonderful young man.
The kids of today have so much to deal with.
We give our children the tools to function in the world and then we just need to tell them how absolutely wonderful they are. No picking them apart and telling them how they are failing.
But we also need to keep all our mess away from them. I keep hearing about parents that tell their kids all the junk that is going on between them and their spouse, boyfriend, or intimate details of one of both parents. STOP!!! (this is happening all day every day to some children)
I don't care how grown up your child seems, they have no business knowing your intimate business or your messed up feelings regarding your ex, his new wife, your boyfriend, your husband, or past things that happened that they have no business knowing.
"My daughter is my best friend" is a phrase that now gives me chills because of what I went through.
Your children are YOUR CHILDREN and they deserve PROTECTION from the information that would harm them.
That child who gets all that crap dumped on them WILL end up with depression.
Filter your conversation for your children, NO MATTER WHAT AGE THEY ARE.
I have been guilty of some of this and I'm so very grateful that I have better information now, so my children are protected. I never want to be responsibly for taking their joy.
"Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths , but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen."
Ephesioans 4:29
"The soothing tongue is a tree of life, but a perverse tongue crushes the spirit."
Proverbs 15:4
"The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat it's fruit."
Proverbs 18:21
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