
Good morning.
It's a beautiful day.'s already been a bit of a crazy day.
While opening the curtains this morning, a large red wasp decided to sting me on the thigh, through my clothes.  I thanked him by whacking him with a flipflop.  Now I have a large, painful, swollen lump on my leg as wide as a lime. 

The chickens have already been to visit.  They have a new member, who seems a little out of it if you ask me. She's a reddish blonde hen and at the moment she is in the front yard and the others are in the back neighbors yard.  Not sure why.  But, like I said, she seems a little out of it.

Today will be a day of cleaning up this house.  It seems every room is a bit disorganized and for some reason I think the cats have marked in a few spots.  That, in itself, its the most frustrating.  I let the two younger ones out into the back part of the house the other day and the little buggers snuck through a doorway and marked a curtain.  So the two older ones are making sure they fix it so everything in the house is theirs, and everyone in the house knows it.  Ugh........  I love cats......but.........

I have gained 4 pounds since I was sick for three days.  My neck is swollen as if my thyroid is acting up.  I look a bit like a fluffball.  But...I feel pretty good and that is awesome. 

I rode my bike around the block twice yesterday and felt nauseous after the second time around.  Today, maybe, just once around.  We live on a hill, so you have to go down the hill and then back up to get home.  But it's just one block.  Seriously...I'm out of shape. 

First off, I will put the young cats into the outdoor cat enclosure and start some laundry.  Then I will get the dishwasher dumped and filled and wipe down the kitchen before going through mail and paying bills.  After that, it will be a walk through each room to take things from that room that don't belong, and put them in the room that they do belong.  Then, make the rooms look nice, sweep up the pet hair and maybe mop and find those darn cat spots.....while doing laundry the entire time.  And I need to ship off a package.
I'm  not sure that's all going to get done.
My husband is already rolling his eyes at me and telling me my list is too long. 

I don't know how women work and get all this stuff done.  They should get a metal.
I've been a stay at home mom for probably 25 of our almost 28 years we've been married.
I work a full day almost every day and still don't get it all done.  But...I also make my life more work by growing a garden, having animals, living in a farmhouse with a gravel driveway, and creating all the projects that I create in an effort to live more affordably.  It sounds like it would be nice to pay someone to repair and paint our home and make things all nice and low maintenance, but I kinda like things old fashioned and natural.  It's a blessing that we are all so different and love different things.

Well, my husband is off doing his work for the day, so I guess I should get going on my work for the day.  I'm going to make a check off list and see how much I can accomplish.
On my mark...get set....GO!!!
Have a great day!


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