Hello Thursday

Good Morning. 
All of Texas has hope that the day will cool down.  I'm not sure we will get what we want.  Still...it's a pretty day outside and the bucks are chasing the does. 
Be careful when you drive....
or walk. 
There's a lot of movement on the property. 

The house is quiet.  The youngest is at school and dad is taking a cat nap before he heads off to work for the day.  He has a busy weekend.  I, on the other hand, am going to have lunch with my sweet cousin today and have the weekend to do what I need to do at home.  I have so much to choose from.

My oldest and his girlfriend are working on the house in town to make it look nice for their Christmas gathering.  I will always love that house.  So many memories.  It's fun to watch someone else get excited about it.  I had many days of dreaming about what I wanted to do with this and that.  I completed everything I set out to do there, and then moved to this house.  This house has been a slower process thanks to life getting in the way.  Oh to be young again.  I used to be able to work my tail end off on a project until late at night.  Can't do that anymore.  I miss those days.

My appointment with the new doctor went really well on Tuesday.  I really like her.
She gave me all the information that I didn't get with the last doctor.  It was so nice to get some answers.  We did more bloodwork and I will see if or how far things have progressed.  Won't know more for several weeks.  This doctor doesn't think I will go the Lupus route.  That is wonderful news!
She is waiting to diagnose me until she sees the new bloodwork, but thinks I will eventually blow out my thyroid and end up on meds for that for the rest of my life.  I didn't like hearing that. 
She gave me something for my legs and sleep, and I have to wear wrist braces at night, for at least 6 weeks.  I have more hope with this doctor. 

I actually got some sleep last night.  I feel pretty good so far.  Yay me!

The garden is starting to perk up.  I'm getting tomatoes and I have bell peppers growing and, of course, tons of jalapeños.  The green beans are still going.  The roses are blooming.  I pulled a carrot the other day.  I need to plant winter squash seed.

The chickens still come to visit.  The butterflies are everywhere.  We have lots of bees buzzing about.  It all feels really nice.  I wish more people had the opportunity to enjoy a nature.  It feels like everyone is so busy and stressed out.  The presidential election is so crazy this year.  Crazier than ever.  I have no idea who I would vote for.  Both have their good and their bad.  I would rather have someone who is a bit more mature minded and honest. I wish we had someone who loved God and life and nature and people.  That's just my thoughts.  I will be happy when it's all done, but I'm afraid it won't really ever be done.  The grumbling has only just begun.

Maggie is on my lap sleeping.  She's getting heavy laying there.  She's so tiny but my legs are tired.
But she's so cute and cuddly, so I won't move her.  And Brink is popping the screen door to tell me he wants to come inside, but I'm stuck because there is a cat on my lap.  Oh the predicaments I get myself into.

My son comes to visit next month on leave.  I'm so looking forward to it.  We talk to him whenever we want, but it's not the same when you can't give them a hug.  I just wanna see him face to face.  He will want to drive his car, so that means I will need to get my truck fixed. Hmmmmm.......

Well, I guess I should get the bills paid, dishwasher switched out and maybe start some laundry before I leave for lunch.  Hope everyone has a wonderful day.


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