Your own version of art
Good morning!
The birds are in the garden eating bugs. I wish they would eat all those darn stink bug things on my tomato and green bean plants. I wish I could go outside and have a little birdie meeting. I could bring pictures of the specific bugs I need them to eat and I would be so happy. We could sing a little motivational birdie song when the meeting is over. That way they could start the day with a great attitude, they would get nice and fat, and I would have nice pretty tomatoes without strange bites all over them.
Greta is looking for a new place to sit. He springs into the air, every once in a while, as if a bee is stinging him in the rear. Until he finds a place that he thinks has no imaginary bee's, I will have to watch him walk back and forth through the house searching and springing about. At the moment, he seems to be contemplating jumping up onto a tall cabinet in my craft area. Sigh.....
The clouds are teasing us today. We could use some rain and cooler weather. I'm still waiting for that first, brisk, cold morning. Just the thought of it is nice.
Last night we bottled two gallons of K tea. We were down to only two bottles left in the frig, so it was good I had two gallons ready to go. They tasted totally different. I had them in different areas and one fermented more or differently than the other. We made two more batches with different amounts of sugar and set those next to each other on top of the pantry. I keep experimenting. I'm having too much fun with it. It's gotten very easy to make once you get the hang of it.
I have an appointment with a new doctor this month. It will be so nice to get good information and see what else I can do to feel good. I am a determined chicken.
Next month we need to have a yard sale. I hate having yard sales, but we sure could use one.
Hopefully things will go well and we can accomplish that. We'll need to find someone who sells antiques and have them help with a few items also. It feels overwhelming, so we just try to do a little at a time.
I refuse to overstress about all the things we need to do. A perfect life is not about perfection, It seems to be more about finding peace and joy in spite of imperfection. For me, I think I find joy in living a life that is almost like your own version of art. We all love different things. Some things look like a mess from one perspective and then look totally different when you change your thinking of your position. I have a neighbor who has so many things in her front yard that, from a distance, it looks a mess. But, when you go talk to her and are standing in the mess, you see that it's a path with ponds and statues, and plants. It's really very pretty. It surprised me. And really made me think.
I think we all need to love our mess. In fact, I think we need to let loose and turn it into our own version of art. We need to start having more fun again. The world has become too angry.
I like living slower. My house is not ever going to be magazine clean. Not gonna happen.
My goal is to never be uptight, competitive, starched, or over serious.
I'd rather be a Godly, happy woman, than a woman trying to do it all and be perfect.
So....anyone reading this..... Do you have a spot in your home that makes you want to curl up and read a book? If you do. I want pictures. If you don't...make one and I want pictures.
Hugs Shannon
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